Monday, March 13, 2017

3rd Quarter Make Up Packet

Below is a link for the 3rd quarter make up packet.  This packet was assigned in class on March 13th and is due on March 16th NO LATER THAN 2:45PM NO EXCEPTIONS, because I have to have quarter 2 grades in by 3pm that day.

In order to receive a grade for this assignment, students must receive a score of 70% or higher.  Students can submit a response for this packet once a day until the due date.  STUDENTS WHO DO NOT RECEIVE A SCORE OF 70% OR HIGHER ON THIS PACKET BY THE DUE DATE WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT.

Once a student has passed this packet with a score of 70% or higher, they may continue to take the packet to try and improve their score up until the due date.

This study packet is an open-book, open resource assignment. Students can use whatever resources they wish to answer the questions in this packet.

Tip 1:  If you have an email address, and enter your email address into the form you will receive an email with your score.

Tip 2:  If you take the packet and your score remains a zero, that means you did not score 70% or higher and you need to try the packet again.


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