Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Class Assignment for February 1st

Today you will be working on cloud identification.  Below is a link to a a website that lists the different types of clouds.


Below are links to a couple of sites where you can try identifying different types of clouds.



After you have looked at the cloud ID guide and have practiced identifying clouds, you should be ready to try the cloud identification quiz.  This quiz is worth 15 points.  The quiz is NOT open book, but you MAY retake the quiz to get a better score.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Oceanography Project

Link to Oceanography Project

Earth Science Oceanography Project

You will be doing a project to demonstrate your knowledge of the concepts in the oceanography unit.  This project will be turned in, in place of the unit test.
Choose an aquatic organism.  Research its habitat.  Find out how the organism would be affected if ocean properties change.  (salinity, pressure, temperature, nutrient availability etc.)
You can present your findings in one of the following forms:
  • Report style: word document
  • Presentation style: PowerPoint, Google Slides, Prezi etc.
  • Video: make a video explaining your findings
Your project will be graded on the following criteria:

Habitat - 10 points
  • Describe your organism's habitat. Be specific. Include where it lives, how it lives, and adaptations it needs in order to live there. Describe the abiotic and biotic factors that affect your organism in its habitat.

Biotic Factors: Food Chain - 10 points
  • Tell where your animal fits into the food chain. What does it eat, what eats it, etc.

Biotic Factors: Competition - 10 points
  • Tell what competition challenges your organism faces. Competition over food, mates, territory etc.

Abiotic Factors - 10 points
  • Tell what abiotic factors affect your organism. Include how changes in each of these abiotic factors would affect your organism. i.e. temperature, dissolved gases, salinity, pressure

Ocean Zone - 10 points
  • Tell which ocean zone does your organism lives in. If the organism lives in multiple ocean zones or migrates, explain.

Type of organism - 10 points
  • Tell what type of organism your animal or plant is. Plankton, Nekton, etc.

Presentation - 15 points
  • Presentation is interesting and organized. Format can be a video, PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Slides, or a written report.

Sources Cited - 5 points
  • Cite your sources. Use websites with .org, .net, .gov endings preferrably

Original Work - 20 points
  • Work is not copied and pasted. Work is YOUR original work and is written in your own words.

Pollution - 10 points

  • Tell how and what types of water pollution could affect your organism.